Coming soon .. online trial entry

Yes you read that right ! As part of our venture into the 21st Century we will soon have an online way for you to pre-enter our events, including payment options.

For the moment we will continue to use the age old system of providing the regs and entry forms for you to download on this site and you can save a lot of time and hassle for the club secretary when you arrive at a trial by having these already filled in and with you or, even better, having sent them in advance!

Zona 1 mcc has a new site!

Well it had to come, Zona 1 mcc now has a “proper” website … shortly you will need to change bookmarks for the club from their original blog pages to this new URL .. ..

.. But you already know that as you are here reading it !!

In the not too distant future we will transfer galleries and videos from the old pages to this site and also the big news is that we will make it possible to enter an event, and pay your entry fee, direct from this site. The wonders of the modern world!!